Sabtu, 03 November 2007
Dayak, also Dyak, name applied to aboriginal inhabitants of the island of Borneo, particularly to the tribes of the interior of the state of Sarawak. The Dayak are divided into six groups: the Penans, Klemantans, and Kenyahs, who represent the oldest Dayak elements of Borneo, and the Kayans, Muruts, and Iban, who are later arrivals. Physically, the Dayak are the result of long-term admixture of Chinese, Malay, and Negrito peoples. The Iban, known as Sea Dayak and famous as pirates and conquerors, were probably the latest of the Dayak to arrive in Borneo; they alone of the Dayak groups inhabit the coastal region. They bear strong ethnological similarities to the Malays, who came to Borneo in the 12th century. Many Iban have been converted to Christianity, some practice an amalgam of Christianity and traditional beliefs, and some still follow their traditional beliefs.
The other Dayak groups, especially the Kayans and Penans, have maintained their ancient customs, habits, and religious beliefs to a much greater extent. They follow a polytheistic rite of worship that incorporates a system of major and minor gods. The form of worship and the nomenclature of the respective gods vary from tribe to tribe.
The Dayak practice of headhunting, rooted for the most part in religious beliefs, is rapidly dying out. The Iban, formerly the most notorious of the headhunters, have given up the custom more quickly than the other tribes, probably because, living on the coast, they are in more direct contact with other cultures.
The Dayak are skilled in crafts, making fine cloth and excellent iron weapons. They are efficient in the use of the blowpipe for hunting and are noted for the construction of serviceable bamboo suspension bridges. Rice cultivation, hunting, and the gathering of wild fruit are their main means of subsistence. The Dayak population of Borneo has been estimated as slightly more than 1 million.
In recent years the traditional lifestyles of the Dayak have become increasingly endangered by industrialization, logging, and forced government resettlement. Many Dayak have been active in the struggle to save their forest homeland.
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There is a thief in our home
This afternoon, when I came home from school, there was a piece of inconvenient news. The news was someone had stolen some money from the shop. The stolen money was estimated around 300 thousand Rupiah. And it has something to do with me. Here is the story. As usual, everyday I keep the phone shop from afternoon till 9 pm at night. After going home from school, I take care of myself and be ready at the shop to help my sister in-law. My sister in-law usually goes with her friends at night and she often asks me to replace her position. Last night, as usually, I kept the shop till 9 pm and then I closed the shop. Before closing the shop, I counted the money which was around 300 thousand Rupiah or more then I locked the drawer and put the key in the room in which my sister sleeps. I usually put the key there since my sister in-law does not live in the same home. She lives in her own home. This morning, when I came home from school, she asked me a question, “did you bring along the money with you?” As I usually do. I said “no, I didn’t” I left all the money in the drawer. Then we understand that the money was stolen and the thief might be someone inside the home. We don’t know yet who stole it. This is the second incident in this month. First, my real sister’s money was stolen few weeks ago. The amount was 300 Malaysian Ringgit. The incident happened at daylight too. Till now, we have the accused already but we haven’t got the proofs yet. To some extent, I felt a bit uneasy with my sister in-law because she had lost some of her money. I feel that there is a burden in me to find the thief and prove that someone has to be responsible for his action. The suspected man is her brother. He has a bad record in the history of stealing his own family money. I don’t know what to say about him. I am blind and I don’t fit well with him. A reason why I don’t get along with him is in my observation he is a drug user. He has had a therapy in Bogor but I think he has not changed. He still likes going to pub, discotheque and such kinds of places, in which he is close to drug. I am pity on him to a certain extent and to his parents. He is almost 40 years old. I am so sorry for the stolen money and for the story.
Hidup Memang Sulit
Pada saat sekarang, saya juga belajar bahwa ada manusia yang menghadapi realitas dengan cara yang pada dasarnya tidak sesuai dengan realitas tersebut. Memang bagiku pribadi, hidupku memang sulit dan aku tentunya tidak harus takut akan kesulitan itu. Namun tentu saya berharap kesulitan itu menempaku sedikit lebih baik dalam hidupku. Lalu kadang saya bertanya pada diriku dan Tuhan, apakah hidupku memang harus sesulit ini? Untunglah, saya mengikuti slogan sebuah rokok dalam hidupku juga Enjoy Aja
Hari-Hari InI
Hari-hari ini, kotaku juga sedang sibuk dengan pesta demokrasinya yang disebut PILKADA GUBERNUR. Dan saya pun ingin bertanya apakah demokrasi memang mengejar kekuasaan? Tidak perlukah kedewasaan dahulu didalam berdemokrasi. Hari-hari ini saya menyaksikan kepicikan berpikir warga bangsa ini yang menjual suku untuk menang. Yang mengatas namakan golongan untuk meraih kekuasaan. Dan memang nampaknya pulauku belum siap berdemokrasi. Kita tidak menilai calon pemimpin berdasarkan pelayanan publik yang diberikanya, tetapi dari sukunya dan itu menunjukan kebodohan kita. Dan memang kita belum siap. Maka benarlah apa yang pernah dikatakan oleh Francis Fukuyama bahwa demokrasi yang sehat belum bisa tumbuh dinegara yang masih miskin dengan pendapan perkapita dibawah 600 USD dan pendidikan yang tak bermutu. Maka demokrasi tak ubah permainan anak-anak. Dan itulah yang terjadi. Saya tidak tahu apakah saya harus memilih atau diam saja. Memang saya akui rasa kesukuan kadang meghampiri dan berkata “ayolah ikuti sukumu’ demi untuk membalas penindasan yang pernah terjadi. Dan merupakan hal yang lazim bahwa yang berkuasa menekan yang minoritas dan lawanya tanpa ampun. Tapi sehatkah? Tidak rasaku. Dan hari-hari ini saya memang binggung karena dunia yang semakin binggung.
Peace and Love
My Lit Sister and My Niece
My Niece and Nephew
Lucu-Lucu dan Ganteng