Minggu, 17 Februari 2008

Dreaming to become A Writer

Recently, I have posted some very-short Indonesian writings in my blog. Since then, I found writing in English is a tough job to do. I always believe in a simple saying which says “I write because I read” and then I spend most of my spare time to read some books on various disciplines to improve my understanding of the world and to get ideas to jot down in my blog. I have always been dreaming to become a writer. I want to become a writer at the first hand to know myself better and to tell the world my ideas. Those reasons have pushed me to keep on learning how to write, write, and write. After reading several books, I understand that the best way to learn writing is by writing itself. No other ways will suffice. So now I am writing just to pleasure myself and to make myself happy. I don’t really know how great writers such as Pramoedya, Shakespeare, Hemingway, and Steinbeck put words together to create such an inspiring story and book. They seem to live in the writing and bring joy to the world. That is why I am eager to become a writer. I have to be frank to myself that writing takes much energy than we have ever thought and it is not a lazy time work. It needs my full commitment and my commitment to improve my knowledge. I am always amazed by the ways Goenawan Mohamad presenting his ideas in his writing. He blends them perfectly. I don’t know whether I can be a writer or not, but I always believe that I can be a writer for myself and that takes me to a better stage of life. Maybe, someday I can say what Pramoedya said “my life is writing, if I cannot write, it means I am not alive. Writing is my breath”. I also want to thank great writers for writing wonderful books that will last forever in my life.

Peace and Love


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