Sabtu, 16 Februari 2008

NIU Shooting

Few days ago, when I was surfing the net and checking my blog, I was shocked when I read in the net that there was a shooting again in one of USA's educational institutions. I was sad because the incident killed six students and left other victims badly injured. Still fresh in my mind what happened at Virginia Tech which killed an Indonesia student. Now, I ask myself and US's authorities, Haven't they learnt something from Virg Tech Incident. I think it is time for the US to reevaluate their Guns Possession Regulation. It is time to look for the root problems behind the incident. Frankly speaking, in Indonesia, such a case never happens, why can it happen in the US, Which is considered the most developed nation(Modern Country). Nowadays, it is hard to differentiate normal men from insane ones. As I read, the shooter was Stephen P Kamerzack, a graduate sociology at Urbana Campaign University. He was also an honour student at the university. So, if the US do not take actions now, such incidents can reoccur again. Living in today's world is a tough journey to do and so many people are not able to endure the burden and they get frustated. I do not know what is actually going to happen to out sick earth.

Peace and Love


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