Selasa, 11 Maret 2008


In today’s world, not everyone is ready when it comes to talk about the subject of Death. Death may be the least talked topic in our daily conversations in our life. Then, a question may arise, why do people feel reluctant to talk about death? Honestly, each of us is faced with fear when we begin to talk about the topic of death. We fear death because naturally we don’t accept death as part of our life. We would not choose death, if death were a choice. But, as human beings, we must comprehend that death is an unavoidable part of our existence and our life. As Buddha said “nothing is certain in this world but death itself” so it clear that death is becoming a must thing to face. Since people fear death, people in our community try to taboo the word death itself and thus it becomes a kind of myth that shouldn’t be discussed. In Buddhism, death is a part of human natural processes and it is one of the four noble truths in their belief. In Christianity, death is the payment of our sin as said by Jesus that since human are sinful, death is the payment. Now, we know that we must face death and then another question comes up ‘how should we view death’? It is my and other belief that we must make death one of our closest friends. So that when our time has come to say “welcome or good bye” to death, we will be much readier and stronger. If we see death positively, death can be supporting factors in our life. It teaches us not to waste our life, it can also teach us not to be greedy and arrogant since, if we realize, when the times comes, death will take everything and nothing is left behind. I have read a book on how a person facing his death because he suffered brain cancer. He was a Buddhist and he was also a meditator. In the story, he greeted death like welcoming his beautiful bride. No sadness, no worry since everything is prepared like weeding ceremony. And I think, we all must be like that and be ready like bride or bridegroom in a weeding. It is normal for me if we tell our sons or daughter on what ways we want to bury and what should be done on our corpse. Every one of us must or need to imagine what our body will look like when we are dead, we must visualize that situation and maybe we can learn something from it. Finally, we are aware that death is a birthday gift for us because death’s presence is coming to world when we are born.

Peace and Love


2 komentar:

Blog_Na mengatakan...

its not merely about the death actually, its about uncertaity about where u go after that, and how u just love this world...
everyone says "im not scared ofdeath", thats nonsense, im scared, and maybe u too...we're just not ready, thats all...
and maybe that brain-cancer Buddhist, she just got nothing left to do anymore, so she's ready to welcome the death anytime.

Anonim mengatakan...

If we are talking about death, we must talk also about sins. Everyone who is afraid of death fears of that one syllable word because he/she realizes that he/she has many sins. Every religion always teaches punishment after death for every sin we committed in life, right? I am afraid of dying because I am not sure I can enter heaven. I am afraid, after I die, I will have to suffer in hell.
Besides that, one thing that makes people fear of death is the process of dying. Let's not kid ourselves, almost all is painful. Look at the lives in the hospital. Dying is painful, long, desperate, pathetic. You are put in a situation where you have no power over your own self. Death is powerlessness.
In my opinion, it is not that we love this world, but we can't stand to face greater pain than the suffering that we must deal with in the world.

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