Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2008

Bad Days

Bad days!! That is what I have been facing lately. There are some reasons why these days have been called Bad Days.
First, during these few weeks, my body condition has been unwell; I feel that my body is sick. When I walk, my body feels like in a boat sailing in the ocean or waving condition. Then I visited a doctor to make sure what caused such conditions. After the doctor checked my body, then she came to a conclusion that I have suffered a disease called anemia. My blood pressure is only 90/70. That’s too low said the doctor. So far, I have done my best to recover, I have taken medications such as taking Sangobion (Blood stimulating pills) and I have also eaten cassava leaves and eaten goat barbecue. Till now, I often feel confused and get a headache. If I sit too long, when I get up, the world is quite black and my body is not balance. I don’t know what makes me suffer so. I don’t work really hard, or stay up too late.
Second, I have not been paid by the school for two months. Or in short, I have not received my salary. As you know, I am a non permanent teacher at school, so the salary heavily depends on the school financial condition. Since the school management is bad and worse. The money has gone somewhere, so many teacher are left unpaid for two months. Maybe this is the reason why every teacher in this country wants to be a civil teacher or state servant. Luckily, I teach at a course, so that helps to keep me alive. Though the course’s salary is not much, but at least it helps me in dealing with my daily needs. In my opinion, the school’s headmaster has led the school to a bankruptcy. He has embezzled the money. Maybe my accusation is wrong but that what I think of him.
Third, I have moved to a new home which is known as”haunted home’. Few months ago, my brother bought a quite big home or big in my opinion. The home is big and nice. Former owner of the home decided to sell the home cheaply. I feel afraid of living in the home alone since my mother goes to the village often. Some rumors say that the house has a kind of another world dweller or ghost and since most of my new neighbors confirmed so, I started to believe and my fear makes me sleep with my mother till now. Maybe, that is what in Psychology called the power of suggestive. As my gets longer in the house, I start to be brave and try to ignore the talks of others. Since then, I always pray before going to bed. Maybe, that makes me closer to Jesus.
Fourth, the internet connection sucks. The internet has not been working for two months. It has something wrong with the LAN or something. For sure, I can’t surf or check my email. The internet is provided by a network launched by the ministry of education called national education network or JARDIKNAS. Maybe, the local education office has not paid the bill or whatever which cause the error.

So, bad days surround me and I can’t avoid them. Sadly or happily, I have got to live and face them. No one hopes to face such days, but for sure they are coming by to everyone.



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