Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2008

The Consequence of Honesty: Our School’s Lessons

As I am writing this post for my blog, I have just come home from school. This morning, the school held a meeting to see and discuss the result of our school UN. As I told you before, we were a bit confused what options to choose in facing the National Examination or UN before. The options were to choose the honest path or the deceitful path. And thank God, we finally decided to choose the honest path, meaning that we will not help our students in doing the UN test. As one of the English teachers at the school, I strongly disagree with the idea of cheating in the UN. Therefore, I refused to help my students and let everything goes as it should be. The two UN try out has given us an indication that not more than 30% of our students deserved to graduate. Most of them are still not worthy to pass. Today, we gather at the school common room to see the result of UN. The result was not so surprising because out of 70 students only 14 of them graduated, others failed. Therefore, the 14 students are the best and worthy students. Most teachers including myself of course felt sad with the result and we become the victim of our community mockery but I feel proud as a teacher because honesty is being upheld now. It does not matter for me. All schools succeeded in the UN test in my region. SMAN 1, 2, MANIAMAS all students graduated with 100 percentage of graduation. In addition, they are so proud of their school. However, for me, they are cheaters of education. The schools helped the students by asking the teachers to do the test and I am NOT a kind of those teachers. My university taught me to be honest. Tomorrow we will announce the result to the students and we are ready to face the anger of students and their parents. Some teachers are afraid that some parents will go crazy and damage our school. I am ready to face the consequence of honesty. It is hard to be honest in today’s world since the system forces us not to be honest. I feel sad and proud at the same time. I am proud of my school because we dared to fight against the mainstream. I am proud because we still respect the meaning of honesty in education. Education without honesty is not education at all and if we teachers help students, we are not teachers but cheaters. Life is never easy and that is the main important thing that we must teach to our students. Now they are paying the consequence of life. They pay the risk of their behavior. On the other hand, I am sad because most of my students failed in the stupid test called UN. UN is nothing but a new form of our government STUPIDITY. We decide to continue passing through stupidity to our youth. I am sad because I am afraid my students will be so desperate. I hope everything will be just fine tomorrow and God be with us. Let cheaters now enjoy their joy. I promise to myself that as long as I become a teacher, I will never become a CHEATER. That is not me at all. As a nation, we will never be much better if we do not bring our education system to the right path. I hope that my headmaster will not be replaced due to the poor graduation.

Love and Peace


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