Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007

Being Neutral

Landak regency, the town where I live, is newly formed regency. It was formed in 1999. Since the formation, Landak has had one only local leader or regent [Bupati] that is Drs. Cornelis M.H. The regent is a Dayaknesse, An aboriginal inhabitant of Borneo [I don’t really know who inhibited Borneo at the very fist time or who the original tribe was] but this is what people know when they hear the word ‘Borneo’. It may take years to study to find out the original inhabitants of Borneo or one even can write a dissertation to investigate the case. So no one can claim that he possesses the island. The regent has been in the position for two terms and it has been 7 seven years he leads the regency [3 more years]. Frankly speaking, I myself is a half blooded dayaknesse since my mother is a dayaknesse. Since this man becomes the regent in this town, he has made some radical changes in his government. A type of “TRIBAL PATRIOTISM’ has influenced the regent to change all his staff. He replaced all the department leaders with dayaknesse. He tried hard to raise dayaknesse to good position. In the field of education, he replaced all the headmasters in the region with dayaknesse and hence, it is a difficult situation for other tribes especially the Malay who has held the positions before. In my hometown, almost 90 percent the leaders now are dayaknesse. I think such thing is an example of the nature of law. It means everyone in power will elect their men to have a position.

With such a condition in my town, there is a problem in my school [not my school I mean]. It seems that there is a “cold war” among the teachers, maybe not among but between to major tribes; the Dayak and Malay. These two teachers’ tribes do not get along well each other and they try hard to take down each other. For the moment, the Dayak wins the battle since the headmaster is a dayaknesse. The Malay, on the hand complains in their hearts. In my opinion, the power control shift is a normal thing, and we need not to argue about it. I think tribe is not really a matter. Whoever the leader, as long as, he is fair enough is good. When I first joined the school, I did not feel such a cold war. I began feeling such a war when they both approached me to get my attention and truthly speaking I did not choose either one. I did not show the signs that I choose one of the two. I choose to be neutral since my look is like a Chinese because my father is a Chinese. I try my best to be neutral and enjoy my job without thinking the cold war. I don’t give a damn to it. I think being involved in such a racial problem is a form of immaturity. We need to be mature by not becoming narrow minded but open minded. We need to think clearly. I still remember a saying ‘do not judge a book by its cover’

Many teachers in the school, in my opinion, are wasting time in arguing such an unimportant thing. It is not the time to fight because of the race and origin. It is the time to increase our knowledge and be aware of everything. As a dayaknesse, I would like to inform all the young Dayak generations like myself to keep studying for the sake of our land and to improve our Dayak. We must strive to make Dayak to be illiterate for some in the remote areas can not read. In November 15th, there will a governor election, we all are expected to participate in the upcoming election and be mature in deciding your choice. My suggestion is follow your conscience and keep struggling.

Peace and love


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