Kamis, 11 Oktober 2007

Being Sad and Stressed

Human’s responses to life’s sorrow, hardship and sufferings can vary in different ways. Some people can endure the life hardship, sorrow and suffering better than others and make them even stronger in facing life. Some cannot endure and withstand the life sorrow and those life problems make them stressed and sad. These people sometimes get mad or lost their mind. I do believe that life without problems or hardships is not a life, and indeed, there is no such life. Life is created with joy and problems. It is a package. No one can live a life without a problem. Every life has problems.
Recently, I have got a piece of bad news from someone in Java. She is my sister and I love her so much. She has got problems in her life. The problem is that she cannot endure the life hardship that she is facing now. She is sad now and often cries alone. I know that I have not got married yet, but I do believe that we’ve got to be strong when we face problems. She is in a difficult situation now and I have prayed for her. I prayed to God Jesus that she can get over the problems very soon. I hope that she can get fatter again and be relaxed in facing life. I feel really sad when I heard that she has got problems and often feels alone in Java. Our big family has asked her to go home for a while in West Borneo to calm down and take a relaxation to soothe her life.
Through this writing, I implore to you reading this blog, please pray for my sister that she can be patient, persistent and always surrender herself to God so that Jesus can help her and give her Guidance.
Dear Jesus, in my deepest heart, I thank you for giving us life
I thank you for letting us see this world
I pray to you now, please help my sister and guide her in your way
Take care of her, please bless her everyday, give her strength and power to strive and survive. Bless her with a patience and love
Give her good health and good husband
Help the two of them in facing life problem
Give them wealth and hopes
Jesus, I pray in the name of Jesus

I dedicate this writing for her. I always pray that she will be much better in the coming days and be healthy again. Thank you for reading this blog. God bless you.

Peace and Love


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My Lit Sister and My Niece

My Lit Sister and My Niece

My Niece and Nephew

My Niece and Nephew
Lucu-Lucu dan Ganteng