Selasa, 02 Oktober 2007

Leaving The Comfort Zone

Leaving good things that we enjoy so much behind is not an easy thing. That is what exactly happening to me now. It has been one and a half year since I graduated from Sanata Dharma University in Jogja. Now, I have to adjust to my new ways of life as a worker not as a student anymore. When I was a student in Jogja, I enjoyed a lot of activities I did. There in Jogja, I spent hours on surfing the internet, chatting with friends at the boarding house or at the university terraces and few hours reading at the library. I enjoyed all those mentioned activities a lot. Now, when I work as a teacher, the memory when I was in college sometimes comes up again in my mind when I think about my life. If I could turn back the time, I would like those moments to be back again. Those moments were my zone of life, such kind of life that I want.
As a man, I do understand we cannot have all the fun all the time. Life stands in between the sad and happy lines. Sometimes we fall on the sad line and on other times on the happy line. I also have to realize that my college time was not real life coz I was financially supported by my family members. Deciding to leave the comfort zone is my tough decision and I must take. There is no option to avoid it. It is time for me to learn the real life lessons of life and try to live a life which is mine. Now, I have daily routines in my life. I wake up 5.30 in the morning and be ready at the school at 6.30. I prepare some lessons for my students and some other extra activities. Now, I cannot ask for money to my brothers or sisters [since they funded my study] anymore since I have graduated and must look for money for myself. I feel the real life now. I feel how it feels to be ‘a slave’ in the office. You have to do that, this etc.
This year I plan to work a teacher for about a year or so. I want to feel the joy moment of being a teacher and learn a lot about socialization in a community. I have some students that need my help in learning English and their spirit has pushed me keep on teaching them. By leaving my comfort zone, I hope that I grow more mature as a man and as a teacher. I hope this experience will teach me to be strong to endure bad things happen to me and be persistent in doing everything.

Peace and Love

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