Minggu, 07 Oktober 2007


Few months ago, one of my nephews studying in Jogja came home to spend his holiday here. In my sister’s home, there is a TV in the main room and it has been there for years. One day, my naughty nephew was watching TV and searching for the channel he wanted to watch. He found it. It was RCTI, but there was a problem, the picture was somewhat disturbing [it got stuck or Sangkut and Petak2]. Then, with all his sound knowing knowledge, he asked a man [a boy who works for my sister’s shop] to position the antenna by pulling it to the left or right and etc. While my wishy-washy nephew was playing the remote tried to fix the TV, he shouted ordering the man. Do you want to know the result? All the TV channels were lost and all were no signal. The consequence is that we cannot watch TV anymore. What a bad day!!! I said to him Tikus Perbaiki Labu. Since then, the TV is a piece of junk left in the room with not function at all. I could not watch metro TV news anymore.
Actually, my sister has called a mechanic to fix the TV many times and he came twice but it did not help either [maybe he is not a real TV technician]. He said that we had to change the digital receiver [in Borneo, Digital receiver is needed. Not like in Jogja, what you need is just a TV and antenna]. I told my sister what a nonsense what the technician said. It has nothing to do with the receiver. Today, a new technician came, he added what he called NLB and tried to reset the TV scanning system and luckily the channels are good. We can watch TV again. Actually, I don’t often watch TV a lot at home. I just watch news sections and some box office movies. I hate Sinetron and its kinds. Besides that, my mother and sister have always become the ruler in the room and I respect them since it is their right to do so. I like watching Metro This Morning, BBM, and Kick Andy. Most of the shows are on Metro. Now, the TV is not sick [like human] anymore and we can see the world again. VIVA

Peace and Love


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My Lit Sister and My Niece

My Lit Sister and My Niece

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