Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007

Fasting Month: Fast To Disturb

A few weeks ago, the Ramadhan Month came and all Moslems celebrated the coming of the month. As we know, Indonesia is the largest Moslem country in the world. But, there is something that quite uncomfortable for me during the fasting month, that is ‘THE SOUND OF THE SPEAKER’. I live just few meters from a mosque in my hometown. The mosque is so close to my brother’s home. Since the Ramadhan month, I have not slept very well because something disturbs me every morning[I don’t sleep very well every night though not the Ramadhan month] Here is the story why:

In about 12 meters from my home, there is a mosque [Al-iklas Mosque, if I am mistaken]. At the top of the mosque or below the dome, there are four big speakers there. Every morning around 3 am – 4 am, after the prayer is done, a man shouting in the mosque reminding people to open their fast, he said ‘Bangun, Sahur, and etc. one part of the show that I don’t really like is when the open time is getting close to due or Imsak. He will play a siren which is very loud and sometimes wakes me in the middle of my sleep. It sounds like an ambulance uuuuu….auuuuu. The sound was terrible and it disturbs me a lot. I don’t mind they do such things but please turn the volume down. We are not living in the jungle and tolerance is needed. Be informed that I have so many Moslem friends and I do not hate Moslems at all. I love them too. I just want to tell you my experience that I have faced so far.

I accept the sound that the man produces every morning during the Ramadan and for me tolerance is much more than just an acceptance. It involves understanding. You got the same stories??? Tell me

I also want to say happy fasting to all of you reading my blog

Peace n Love

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