Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007

My Confession

In these few days, I have heard a lot of stories from many sources; friends, relatives, workmate and others. A friend of mine in Jogja told me that this week she is having her thesis defense on Saturday. I told her that I am happy to hear that finally she can complete her studies. This girl is my close friend in Jogja and we are from the same beloved island, that is, Borneo. I told her to be relaxed in facing the test and be prepared for some common questions. Actually, I have a few things that I like from this girl, but one thing I like most from her is the way she speaks, so funny and typical. From my sister, I got some bad news. She is having a problem that is quite difficult to be solved. She is facing it now and trying to find the solution. I am sad when I heard the news, but I realize that life is never without problems. Problems are the spices of life. They make life meaningful and strong. I have prayed for her and she has got a solution, though it might not be the best for her family. I think we have to be ready with every possibility in our life. If there is a school where I can learn to survive, I definitely will enroll myself. In my island, my high school friends told me that there was a reunion party in Sanggau. Unfortunately I couldn’t come to the party coz my sister went to Pontianak so nobody kept the shop. My friends told me that we will design a program. I don’t know what the program is. At school, we have an event to celebrate “language month” by carrying out some games such as debate, speech and writing contest. I take part as one of the judges in the committee. This event is to help students’ language competence particularly their foreign language competence. Some students came to my home to ask me to teach them English. I haven’t decided whether to accept or reject their request. I am in doubt because two problems. If I say yes, I cannot decide at which price should they me? I believe nothing is free. But charging them 10 thousand per month they say is expensive. I am confused. I know that most of my students are from remote areas. To teach them freely is also not a wise job. I have to prepare materials, place and mostly my mind. That is why I always believe that good education needs good money. Maybe I am materialistic or whatever. My ex boarding house friend in Jogja also told me that he had finished his studies there and now he is going to leave Jogja in the coming month after attending the graduation day. Life has passed so fast and I have not felt so. Everyday many things come and go from my life. Frankly speaking I am still confused with what I am searching for in my life. For the time being, I just go with the flow.

Peace and Love


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My Lit Sister and My Niece

My Lit Sister and My Niece

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