Jumat, 05 Oktober 2007


When I was in Jogja, I bought some books on meditation. Some of the books are Zen written by a Japanese, Sadhana by Father De Mello and Metta by Sayadaw U Undaka. For such a long time, I always wanted to attend a meditation workshop; unfortunately, I could not realize my dream even once during my residency in Jogja for about four years. I have read all those three books and wanted to try to practice what the books say. I know that if I can soothe my self through meditation, I will be a much mature person. One night, before I went to bed, I tried to sit straight on a pillow with the eyes closed trying to remain silent for ten minutes. I tried not to think anything; I just sat and observe what I hear around me. I felt it was really difficult. My mind pushed me to talk and asked my self what is the significance of what I am doing. Finally I surrendered myself to the temptation and opened my eyes not even six minutes yet [I set an alarm].
After doing the unsuccessful silence, I realized that I have filled my days with all the talks. I have talked so much during my life and have not spent some time to be silent. Now, I understand that silence is not an easy thing to do. As I am writing this in my blog, my mind is still asking me why it is hard to remain silent. I have understood that silence can give me a pause to think about my life and give me time to reflect what I have done and achieved in my life. From now on, in the school, I try not to speak a lot and be silent for a while. I have also found an article about a kind of silence that is practiced by some Trappist monks in America. In the Trappist monk tradition, it is forbidden to talk among new members [novice] for four years in the monastery. They communicate by using hand gestures and signs. What such a hard way of life!!! Can you imagine of living such a life? It must be so hard.
Till now, I still have a dream of attending a mediation practice guided by the GURU such as ANAND KRISNA or BU LANY. I want to feel what the real joy behind such practice is. So, guys, if you know such events please let me know by sending an email to me or contact me. Back to the silence, silence is the key to calmness. Calmness is the key to anger reduction which will lead me to non-violent person. I am one of Gandhi’s admirers. I adore Gandhi for practicing AHIMSA in his life. I respect him because Gandhi can fast unto death to protest the British Salt Tax. He is the great soul. I cannot be like Gandhi and never will I be but I can remain silent when people get angry with me and keep unemotional and not aggressive. Let’s learn to remain silent.

Peace and Love


1 komentar:

sugarsweetchili mengatakan...

I always like you who always talk. Listen to your voice often relaxing. Because you always telling the truth in the most pleasant and not harming way.
No one else at school was able to speak his mind as fast and as clear as you can.
You dont need to be silent.
Be talkative like the old Kristian i use to know.
And i am sure by reading your blog people will know that you are soooooo TALKATIVE
We love you like that.

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