Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

Love and Sex

Love and Sex

When I am writing this post for my blog, a question is bothering my mind so much. Therefore I decide to write my opinions on such a question. The question is "does love and sex always go together?

I think it is hard to answer such a question immediately since every person might have different views on such an issue. But for me, it is not quite hard to answer: My answer is that crystal clear: Yes it does. It is undeniably true that every time I fall in love with somebody, there is a need within me to be as closer as possible with her in order to be able to kiss or to touch her. I think today's love needs a kind of body contact between the two lovers. Maybe you will say I am immoral, but I am not that bad as you think.

As a teacher, I observe that many students at school don't seem to be ashamed to walk hand in hand with their boyfriends or girlfriends. They even go sightseeing every Saturday night together. In my opinion, there might be some kind of actions of love are done during their date. Maybe a kind of petting, kissing and copulation might happen during that time. Frankly speaking, I probably will do the same when if there is a woman who is that closer to me.

Love and sex seem to be inseparable parts. It is like a package. What do you think about it? Do you agree?



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