Sabtu, 08 Desember 2007
Kampanye: Pembodohan Publik
Makan dan Keadilan
Namun didalam batinku aku memiliki beberapa pertanyaan tentang demokrasi itu sendiri. Saya menyakini apa yang dikatakan Fukuyama bahwa demokrasi yang sehat belum bisa tumbuh dalam negara yang miskin. Memang menurutku, kita harus makmur dahulu untuk bisa menjalankan demokrasi yang berkualitas. Maka selama kita masih miskin, demokrasi dalah seorang anak yang belum bisa berjalan. Dia akan selalu terjatuh. Hal ini saya katakan ketika melihat banyak PILKADA diseluruh indonesia yang penuh kekerasan dan penipuan. Banyak sekali kekerasan yang dilakukan atas nama PILKADA. Di Maluku dan Sulewesi Pilkada penuh pertengkaran dan kekerasan. Ada ketidaksiapan dalam menghadapi kekerasan dan kekalahan. Maka benarlah apa kata sang bijak bahwa pilihlah orang yang siap kalah dalam pilkada kaerna orang seperti pada umunya bijaksana. Maka saya pun melakukan hal itu. Saya percaya bahwa untuk dapat berdemokrasi, rakyat haruslah terdidik dahulu, dengan itu maka akan tercipta kesadaran politk yang dewasa yang tidak didasarkan pada uang dan kefeodalan lainya. Saya rasa saya mesti menunggu lama untuk dapat melihat hal seperti itu terjadi. Mungkin 50 tahun lagi. Ya iyulah harapanku. Dan saya masih resah dengan pilkada ditempatku karena saya mendengar kabar bahwa ada calon yang belum siap kalah dan saya takut ada konflik etnis. Saya takut akan adanya pertengkaran yang seharusnya tidak terjadi hanya karena ketidakdewasaan berdemokrasi. Maka saya hari-hari ini cemas dengan kampungku.
Sabtu, 03 November 2007
Dayak, also Dyak, name applied to aboriginal inhabitants of the island of Borneo, particularly to the tribes of the interior of the state of Sarawak. The Dayak are divided into six groups: the Penans, Klemantans, and Kenyahs, who represent the oldest Dayak elements of Borneo, and the Kayans, Muruts, and Iban, who are later arrivals. Physically, the Dayak are the result of long-term admixture of Chinese, Malay, and Negrito peoples. The Iban, known as Sea Dayak and famous as pirates and conquerors, were probably the latest of the Dayak to arrive in Borneo; they alone of the Dayak groups inhabit the coastal region. They bear strong ethnological similarities to the Malays, who came to Borneo in the 12th century. Many Iban have been converted to Christianity, some practice an amalgam of Christianity and traditional beliefs, and some still follow their traditional beliefs.
The other Dayak groups, especially the Kayans and Penans, have maintained their ancient customs, habits, and religious beliefs to a much greater extent. They follow a polytheistic rite of worship that incorporates a system of major and minor gods. The form of worship and the nomenclature of the respective gods vary from tribe to tribe.
The Dayak practice of headhunting, rooted for the most part in religious beliefs, is rapidly dying out. The Iban, formerly the most notorious of the headhunters, have given up the custom more quickly than the other tribes, probably because, living on the coast, they are in more direct contact with other cultures.
The Dayak are skilled in crafts, making fine cloth and excellent iron weapons. They are efficient in the use of the blowpipe for hunting and are noted for the construction of serviceable bamboo suspension bridges. Rice cultivation, hunting, and the gathering of wild fruit are their main means of subsistence. The Dayak population of Borneo has been estimated as slightly more than 1 million.
In recent years the traditional lifestyles of the Dayak have become increasingly endangered by industrialization, logging, and forced government resettlement. Many Dayak have been active in the struggle to save their forest homeland.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
There is a thief in our home
This afternoon, when I came home from school, there was a piece of inconvenient news. The news was someone had stolen some money from the shop. The stolen money was estimated around 300 thousand Rupiah. And it has something to do with me. Here is the story. As usual, everyday I keep the phone shop from afternoon till 9 pm at night. After going home from school, I take care of myself and be ready at the shop to help my sister in-law. My sister in-law usually goes with her friends at night and she often asks me to replace her position. Last night, as usually, I kept the shop till 9 pm and then I closed the shop. Before closing the shop, I counted the money which was around 300 thousand Rupiah or more then I locked the drawer and put the key in the room in which my sister sleeps. I usually put the key there since my sister in-law does not live in the same home. She lives in her own home. This morning, when I came home from school, she asked me a question, “did you bring along the money with you?” As I usually do. I said “no, I didn’t” I left all the money in the drawer. Then we understand that the money was stolen and the thief might be someone inside the home. We don’t know yet who stole it. This is the second incident in this month. First, my real sister’s money was stolen few weeks ago. The amount was 300 Malaysian Ringgit. The incident happened at daylight too. Till now, we have the accused already but we haven’t got the proofs yet. To some extent, I felt a bit uneasy with my sister in-law because she had lost some of her money. I feel that there is a burden in me to find the thief and prove that someone has to be responsible for his action. The suspected man is her brother. He has a bad record in the history of stealing his own family money. I don’t know what to say about him. I am blind and I don’t fit well with him. A reason why I don’t get along with him is in my observation he is a drug user. He has had a therapy in Bogor but I think he has not changed. He still likes going to pub, discotheque and such kinds of places, in which he is close to drug. I am pity on him to a certain extent and to his parents. He is almost 40 years old. I am so sorry for the stolen money and for the story.
Hidup Memang Sulit
Pada saat sekarang, saya juga belajar bahwa ada manusia yang menghadapi realitas dengan cara yang pada dasarnya tidak sesuai dengan realitas tersebut. Memang bagiku pribadi, hidupku memang sulit dan aku tentunya tidak harus takut akan kesulitan itu. Namun tentu saya berharap kesulitan itu menempaku sedikit lebih baik dalam hidupku. Lalu kadang saya bertanya pada diriku dan Tuhan, apakah hidupku memang harus sesulit ini? Untunglah, saya mengikuti slogan sebuah rokok dalam hidupku juga Enjoy Aja
Hari-Hari InI
Hari-hari ini, kotaku juga sedang sibuk dengan pesta demokrasinya yang disebut PILKADA GUBERNUR. Dan saya pun ingin bertanya apakah demokrasi memang mengejar kekuasaan? Tidak perlukah kedewasaan dahulu didalam berdemokrasi. Hari-hari ini saya menyaksikan kepicikan berpikir warga bangsa ini yang menjual suku untuk menang. Yang mengatas namakan golongan untuk meraih kekuasaan. Dan memang nampaknya pulauku belum siap berdemokrasi. Kita tidak menilai calon pemimpin berdasarkan pelayanan publik yang diberikanya, tetapi dari sukunya dan itu menunjukan kebodohan kita. Dan memang kita belum siap. Maka benarlah apa yang pernah dikatakan oleh Francis Fukuyama bahwa demokrasi yang sehat belum bisa tumbuh dinegara yang masih miskin dengan pendapan perkapita dibawah 600 USD dan pendidikan yang tak bermutu. Maka demokrasi tak ubah permainan anak-anak. Dan itulah yang terjadi. Saya tidak tahu apakah saya harus memilih atau diam saja. Memang saya akui rasa kesukuan kadang meghampiri dan berkata “ayolah ikuti sukumu’ demi untuk membalas penindasan yang pernah terjadi. Dan merupakan hal yang lazim bahwa yang berkuasa menekan yang minoritas dan lawanya tanpa ampun. Tapi sehatkah? Tidak rasaku. Dan hari-hari ini saya memang binggung karena dunia yang semakin binggung.
Peace and Love
Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007
My Confession
Peace and Love
Secara jujur, menurut pengamatan saya, media sekarang khususnya TV pada umumnya menayangkan program-program yang sama sekali tidak mendidik dan tak berkualitas. Saya cenderung mengatakan kebanyakan sinetron adalah SAMPAH yang meracuni cara berpikir masyarakat terhadap dunia nyata. Dan tanpa harus menuduh, media TV sekarang pada umumnya mengandung kekerasan yang sangat berdampak pada penonton. Didalam buku terbarunya itu, Haryatmoko yang mengutip Pascal Lardellier mendefinisikan kekerasan sebagai prinsip tindakan yang mendasarkan diri pada kekuatan untuk memaksa pihak lain tanpa persetujuan[18]. Kekerasan mengandung unsur dominasi terhapad pihak lain baik dalam bentuk fisik,verbal,moral,psikologis. Menurutnya logika kekerasan merupakan logika kematian karena bisa melukai tubuh,melukai secara psikologis,merugikan dan menjadi ancaman terhadap intergritas pribadi. Didalam media, kekerasan sering terkait dengan penggambaran yang memungkinkan gambar bisa melemah dan membuka suatu dialektika banalisasi dan sensasionalisasi. Pengambaran kekerasan dimedia kadang sangat sulit dibedakan antara yang riil, simulasi,hiperriil, dan bohong. Haryatmoko mengatakan bahwa semua gambar dan teks dalam media diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga keyakinan pemirsa akan kekerasan ingin menemukan ilustrasi begitu keluar menjadi lebih dikuatkan. Kekerasan dalam media menurutnya lebih lanjut mengandung aspek dualisme yaitu aspek estetik dan destruktif. Disatu sisi, kekerasan membuat kita muak dan merasa jijik. Sedangkan disisi lain mengundang ketertarikan untuk diamati. Didalam media kekerasan menempatkan kinakmatan dalam perjumpaan antara keindahan dan kematian[121]. Maka jika kita tidak kritis, akan sangat sulit membedakan dan melihat kekerasan dalam media massa. Menurut Nel, ada tiga bentuk kekerasaan estetik didalam media yaitu horor regresif, horor transgresif dan gambar –simbol. Kekerasan dalam bentuk horor regresif mau menunjuk pada selera publik akan kekejaman yang menyeramkan dan melampaui akan sehat kita. Perhatian diarahkan pada yang riil namun tidak harus otentik. Motif utamanya adalah digerakan oleh ketertarikan pada hal yang meneror dan merinding. Horor transgresif pada intinya berupaya menayangkan kekerasan dalam konfigurasi seni yang baru pada bagian yang belum terekplorasi dang terlarang. Dalam gambar –simbol, mengajak penonton melampaui tatanan rill yang kontekstual. Kekerasaan ditolerir sehingga akhirnya mejadi indah. Sebagai contoh kekerasan Che Guevara. Pengarang juga dengan jelas menerangkan bahaya kekerasan dalam media terhadap masyarakat dengan memaparkan hasil penelitioan APA[American Psychological Association ] tentang efek kekerasaan dalam media TV diAmerika. Menurt studi tersebut ada tiga efek negatif kekerasan media.
Pertama, merepresentasikan kekerasaan dalam media meningkatkan prilaku agresif masyarakat. Kedua, menonton kekerasaan secara berulang-ulang dapat menyababkan ketidakpekaan terhadap kekerasan dan penderitaan korban karena ada proses depersonalisai manusia. Tiga, dapat meningkatkan rasa takut pada masyarakat yang menciptakan paradigmanya tentang dunia. Kita dapat melihat betapa bahayanya efek kekerasan dalam media terhapad mereka yang rentan terutama anak-anak dan orang muda. Untuk memahami kekerasan dalam media, kita harus mengerti bahwa didalam media terdapat tiga tipe dunia yaitu dunia rill atau nyata, dunia fiksi, dan dunia virtual. Masing-masing dunia media ini memiliki bentuk kekerasanya tersendiri. Maka kekerasan dalam media juga dapat dibagi dalam tiga bentuk yaitu kekerasan dokumen, kekerasan fiksi dan kekerasan simulasi. Kekerasan dokumen merupakan penampilan gambar kekerasan yang dipahami pemirsa dengan mata telanjang sebagai dokumentasi fakta kekerasan misalnya pembunuhan,tawuran.kekerasan dokumen tidaklah selalu negatif karena kadang-kadang menibulkan rasa iba. Kekerasan fiksi merupakan representasi kekerasan yang keluar dari dunia riil dan jauh dari dunai nyata namun mampu menjadi pijakan dalam analogi dunia rill.kekerasan simulasi adalah kekerasaan yang melampau dunia rill dan penuh tipuan dan simulasi namun penonton tidak menyadarinya dan menggangapnya rill misalnya smack down. Kita, sebagai konsumen media haruslah kritis dan cerdas dalam proses seleksi tontonan program yang kita saksikan untuk menghindari kekerasan media yang sangat merugikan bagi generasi muda kita.
Peace and Love
Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2007
Unbearable Pain: Kekejian Manusia
Takkan pernah kulupakan malam itu,malam pertama dalam kamp, yamg telah menyebabkan seluruh hidupku menjelma menjadi malam yang tak berkesudahan, tujuhkali terkutuk dan tujuh kali terkunci.
Kadang saya pun tak mengerti, mengapa manusia bisa begitu kejam pada manusia lain, bahkan pada bayi-bayi mungil sekalipun. Nazi dengan tenang dan tertawa membakar tubuh-tubuh mungil itu dikrematoruim. Mereka memang manusia laknat. Saya percaya bahwa hal semacam ini adalah dikarenakan karena keakuan yang begitu tak terkontrol seperti Nazi yang beranggapan bahwa klan Arya yang paling tinggi derajatnya jadi Yahudi harus dibersihkan dari muka bumi. Dan tentu di jaman sekarang masih ada orang yang berpikir demikian. Wiesel yang masih hidup sampai sekarang juga mengajarkan saya bahwa kekejaman yang tak tertahankan kadang-kadang menyebabkan kita mempertanyakan keadilan tuhan dan cenderung dapat merontokan iman kita. Mungkin saya juga akan bertanya hal yang sama seperti Wiesel, bagaimana tuhan mengijinkan mereka membakar bayi-bayi itu didepan matanku? Tuhan mesti sudah buta dan tak ada. Mungin saya juga merasa bahwa pada saat itu tuhan juga telah mati. Memang bagi saya Wiesel telah memberikan pelajaran bahwa hal seperti itu harus lenyap diabad sekarang ini. Wiesel ingin menggingatkan kita jangan sampai kita mengulangi sejarah kelam. Saya menitikan air mata dan terdiam ketika membaca novel itu. Novel itu juga menyatakan bahwa manusia adalah hewan yang rakus akan harta benda. Bahkan dengan menyakitkan manusia lain sekalipun. Saya masih ingat bahwa ada seorang tentara Nazi SS yang mencabut gigi emas seorang yahudi dengan mengunakan Tang tanpa bius, Aduuhhhhh betapa kejinya. Novel ini telah mengingatkan saya dan pembaca lainya untuk menjadi manusia yang manusiawi dan memiliki landasan kasih. Membaca novel itu membuat saya merinding memikirkan sakitnya dan kekejian Nazi. Dan saya tahu betapa sakitnya ketika suatu pagi saya menonton acara Oprah yang membahas tentang Holocaust. Didalam tayangan tersebut, Oprah membawa Wiesel di kamp tempat dia dulu dan minta Wiesel menceritakanya kembali. Wiesel bergetar and berlinang air mata dan bahkan tak mampu melangkahkan kakinya. Ditempat keji itu dia melihat ayahnya,ibunya,adiknya dibakar hidup-hidup. Dapatkah anda menahan sakit itu?saya tak sanggup dan tak mampu menjawabnya. Memang Nazi telah mati dan Hitler pun telah bunuh diri, tetapi ingat hal-hal seperti ini dapat mejelmakan diri dalam bentuk-bentuk lain. Menurut saya masih ada Hitler-Hitler yang lain seperti majikan yang menyetrika tubuh pembantunya, ayah yang menganiaya anaknya sampai mati, anak yang membunuh ayahnya, adalah bentuk kekejian baru yang mencoba menggingtkan saya pada Hitler yang gila itu. Anda tahu bagaimana Hitler mebunuh anak muda and orang tua yahudi yang sudah lemah dan tak mampu bekerja lagi? Mereka disuruh masuk kedalam ruang atau chamber disuruh mandi, lalu dikunci dan dimasukan gas beracun Zyclon B yang mematikan itu dan mereka seperti tikus yang mati. Tak ada harga lalu dibakar. Ceritanya pun hilang. Tidak ada penghargaan jiwa dan tubuh. Lalu maukah kita seperti itu? Menjadi Hitler-Hitler lain seperti di Malaysia dan itupun karena keakuan mereka.kadang-kadang memang seperti tidak nyata apa yang diceritakan dan bahkan tak mampu membayangkanya. Dan sampai sekarang saya terus bertanya MENGAPA? Tetapi ada secercah kebahagian bagi saya ketika Wiesel bisa memaafkan Nasi dalam bentuk yang hampir sama yang diungkapkan Ibu Teresa : saya memaafkan namun tidak melupakan mereka. Kita memaafkan mereka karena kita tidak bisa hidup dalam masa lalu karena orang yang hidup dimasa lalu akan selalu di hantui masa lalu, tetapi kita tidak akan membiarkan masa lalu terulang dimasa depan. Sebagai manusia, kita, harus berusaha supaya hal semacam ini tidak terulang dalam sejarah peradaban manusia. Mari kita menunjukan laku cinta kita kepada sesama.
Peace and Love
Pak Goenawan Mohamad, Cinta, Rasa
Membaca karangan pak Goen tersebut saya berpikir kembali dan bahkan boleh dikatakan tersihir oleh tulisan beliau. Cara beliau menulis, pengetahuan beliau yang lintas disiplin dan pandangan yang terbuka membuat saya pada waktu itu mulai menyukainya. Saya memang secara jujur telah tahu tentang beliau dan bahkan pernah membaca catatan pinggir beliau. Mungkin juga boleh dikatakan sering tapi sangat jarang sekali saya membaca dengan serius dan mulai memikirkannya lagi. Dari tulisan timbul kecintaan akan karya beliau. Kembali ke capingnya yang judulnya seks tadi, saking saya belum puas membacanya dengan detail, saya memutuskan untuk memfotokopi caping tersebut dan membacanya lagi dikos saya. Saya juga memberikan potokopiannya keteman saya. Bagi saya Pak Goen adalah seorang muslim yang ditengah tengah, dia muslim secara keturunan tetapi juga kristen secara pemikiran. Pak Goen sangat terbuka dan toleran tentang agama dan pemahamanya sangat begitu luas[malu saya karena saya baru saja belajar menulis, masih seperti anak SD]. Setelah saya pulang kampung ke Kalimantan, saya sudah cukup jarang membeli Tempo, maklum guru kan gajinya kecil, namun saya ingat saya pernah membaca yang judul caping Pak Goen yang judulnya Ayaan. Tulisan itu juga sangat bagus. Baru-baru ini, sekolah tempat saya mengajar membeli modem untuk keperluan khusus, lalu saya mempunyai kesempatan untuk surf dinternet tentang Pak Goen. Wow... saya senang sekali ketemu kumpulan caping caping Pak Goen. Saya mengkopi beberapa yang saya suka dan saya baca ulang lagi. Ada salah satu caping Pak Goen yang oke banget dan membuat saya terharu ketika membacanya antara lain yang judulnya ‘Murtad’ disitu pak Goen menegaskan bahwa memilih agama adalah hak azazi dan pribadi seseorang dan juga menggambarkan tentang pak Goen sendiri yang sangat toleran dan berpandangan terbuka tentang agama. Berikut salah satu kutipan salah satu bagian caping itu.
“ Memang harus saya katakan, saya seorang Muslim karena orang tua
saya. Tapi saya sebenarnya bebas untuk tak mengikuti garis itu-
sebagaimana orang-orang Arab dulu bebas untuk tak mengikuti
kepercayaan nenek moyang mereka dan memutuskan untuk mengikuti Rasul
Tuhan, dengan risiko dimusuhi keluarga sendiri dan masyarakat
“Memang harus saya katakan, saya memilih tetap dalam agama saya
sekarang bukan karena saya anggap agama itu paling bagus. Saya tak
berpindah ke agama lain karena saya tahu dalam agama saya ada
kebaikan seperti dalam agama lain, dan dalam agama lain ada
keburukan yang ada dalam agama saya. Sejarah agama-agama senantiasa
terdiri atas bab-bab yang paling represif dan buas, tapi juga pasase
yang paling mulia dan memberikan harapan. Agama menyumbangkan kepada
kehidupan manusia secercah kesadaran, betapapun mustahilnya keadilan
akan datang, nilai itu - dan segala sifat Allah - tetap memberi
inspirasi. Agaknya itulah yang berada dalam inti iman”.
Bagian ini menggambarkan pandangan pak Goen tentang agama yang dianutnya dan pandangan terhadap agama lain. Saya sangat menggagumi beliau mulai saat pertama menbaca capingya dan sampai sekarang. Kita tahu betapa sulitnya mencari orang seperti beliau dinegeri yang hukumnya kadang tidak berlaku bagi sekolompok pecinta kekerasan. Didalam capingnya Pak Goen, terdapat pengetahuan yang bisa menimbulkan rasa, dan rasa tersebut dapat menimbulkan cinta dan saya tersihir oleh cinta tersebut. Beberapa hari ini saya sudah membaca caping pak Goen yang judulnya Myanmar, Puasa, makam dll dan they are all amazing and inspiring essays.
Last but not least, let me say something about you, Pak Goen. You were born to enlighten us, younger generations. Writing is your breath, and to some people , breath and God are alike. Then your writing is breath and God to you. Death, to you, does not mean that you die biologically, or your body is defunct, death to you is when you cannot write anymore.
Thank and Love
Kamis, 11 Oktober 2007
On Modernity
A month ago, I asked a friend of mine in Jogja to buy me a book. The title of the book is Melampaui modernitas dan positivisme written by F.B Hardiman, a lecturer at STF Driyarkara Jakarta. In his book, the author says that there are several characteristics of modernity. Firstly, modernity means becoming progressive. Modern people think progressively, they try hard to become better persons day to day. They try hard to improve their skills and knowledge. Secondly, modernity means becoming reflective. Modern people reflect whatever they do. Reflective life is what they always do. The main purpose of reflection is to improve their life. Modern people believe on what philosophers say ‘that life which is not reflected is not a worth living life’. Thirdly, modernity focuses on the subject of life. Modernity puts humanism, univeralism, ethics and democracy as its main breaths. Modernity does not include materialism, hedonism and others as its main menus; they are just seasonings/spices of modernity. So the results of knowledge such as TV, Mobile phone, PDA are just spices of modernity. They are not the main menus of modernity. So, if you have the latest PDA, mobile phones, computers, YOU DO NOT BECOME DIRECTLY MODERN. You have just the spices. Your thinking does make you modern. If you are open minded, tolerant, affectionate and humanistic to others, then you are modern. Fourthly, modernity means becoming critical. Modern people do not accept everything for granted. They do not just receive any dogmas or beliefs without criticizing them. Modern people are critical. They do not really like the so called MYTH and a kind of. They do not believe DUNIA LAIN. They put aside those kinds of thinking and use their intellectuality a lot. They like to hear the term ‘rationality or rational’. It does not mean they are arrogant. They are just honest to themselves. Don’t we believe that rationality has brought a change in our civilization? It has created betters things to use but also has brought us to the edge of death like Global Warming.
Now, we can all ask ourselves. Am I modern? Do I possess the spices of modernity that make me arrogant? What does modernity mean to me? I have shut up my student’s mouth that was arrogant because he has a cool motorbike. Now he has known what modernity means. Let’s us think ourselves. And I think my position is the middle of modernity and primitivism.
Peace and Love
Being Sad and Stressed
Recently, I have got a piece of bad news from someone in Java. She is my sister and I love her so much. She has got problems in her life. The problem is that she cannot endure the life hardship that she is facing now. She is sad now and often cries alone. I know that I have not got married yet, but I do believe that we’ve got to be strong when we face problems. She is in a difficult situation now and I have prayed for her. I prayed to God Jesus that she can get over the problems very soon. I hope that she can get fatter again and be relaxed in facing life. I feel really sad when I heard that she has got problems and often feels alone in Java. Our big family has asked her to go home for a while in West Borneo to calm down and take a relaxation to soothe her life.
Through this writing, I implore to you reading this blog, please pray for my sister that she can be patient, persistent and always surrender herself to God so that Jesus can help her and give her Guidance.
Dear Jesus, in my deepest heart, I thank you for giving us life
I thank you for letting us see this world
I pray to you now, please help my sister and guide her in your way
Take care of her, please bless her everyday, give her strength and power to strive and survive. Bless her with a patience and love
Give her good health and good husband
Help the two of them in facing life problem
Give them wealth and hopes
Jesus, I pray in the name of Jesus
I dedicate this writing for her. I always pray that she will be much better in the coming days and be healthy again. Thank you for reading this blog. God bless you.
Peace and Love
Rabu, 10 Oktober 2007
Bulan Puasa
Saya sering membaca di koran bahwa ketika menjelang bulan puasa pemerintah setempat mewajibkan setiap warung untuk menutupi warungnya dengan kain atau melarang bar-bar untuk buka pada bulan puasa. Bahkan, seringkali ada pemaksaan secar fisik terhadap unit usaha hanya karena dianggap menodai bulan puasa. Saya lalu bertanya pada diri saya, bukankah puasa bearti menahan diri, kesabaran? Tawaran-tawaran yang dianggap godaan terhadap puasa itu justru merupakan ujian untuk memahami arti puasa sesungguhnya. Bukankah kita memahami, bahwa hidup adalah pilihan dan godaan tersebut juga merupakan pilihan yang keputusanya ada pada tangan yang berpuasa? Jadi inilah ujian yang sebenarnya. Jadi betapa dangkalnya pemahaman orang-orang yang merazia warung-warung makan dibulan puasa? Dibulan puasa, kita justru gila akan rasa hormat dan privelese akan puasa itu sendiri.
Jadi, kitalah yang menentukan pilihan akan puasa. Warung makan, bar, karoke bukanlah suatu masalah ketika berpuasa karena mereka adalah pilihan-pilihan dan kita punya pilihan untuk memilih atau menolaknya. Haruskah mereka semua dilarang? Tidak. Kita justru ditantang untuk menguji keimanan kita dan kesabaran kita. Saya kok heran disekolah kok kantin harus agak ditutup atau minum gak boleh didepan khalayak ramai. Apakah arti puasa sedangkal itu? Jika anda berpikir demikian, maka sebaiknya kita berpikir lagi tentang puasa yang sebenarnya. Pagi-pagi disekolah sebelum ngajar, saya browse dinternet catatan pinggir pak Goenawan mohamad dan menemukan sebuah tulisan yang amat menarik dan menggungah yang berjudul ‘puasa’.
Puasa September 17, 2007 dari caping wordpress
DI hari-hari ini saya berpuasa dan merasakan sebuah privilese: saya dihormati. Dengan tekad saya sendiri saya berniat tak makan dan tak minum sejak dini hari hingga senja; selama itu saya sadar bahwa akan ada saat-saat saya bisa tergoda—tetapi saya selamat. Saya siap untuk terganggu, tetapi lihat: saya tak boleh diganggu.
Privilese itu kini sudah seperti sesuatu yang semestinya. Demi ibadah saya, yang saya niatkan sendiri, orang-orang lain tak bisa pergi pijat karena selama sebulan semua panti pijat harus ditutup—meskipun ini bukan tempat yang mesum sama sekali—dan sekian ratus pemijat tidak mendapatkan penghasilan. Demi ibadah saya, orang-orang lain tidak dapat minum minuman beralkohol selama kurang-lebih 30 hari, siang dan malam—meskipun mereka lazim melakukannya sebagai bagian dari hidup mereka—karena bar tak boleh buka dan kalaupun ada restoran buka, bir, anggur, wiski, konyak, vodka, dan lain-lain harus masuk kotak.
Terkadang saya tak tahu apakah saya merasa bangga, atau bersyukur, atau merasa bersalah, ketika di mana-mana dipasang anjuran: ”Hormatilah Orang yang Berpuasa”.
Tentu saja sikap menghormati adalah sebuah sikap yang bisa datang dari hati yang ikhlas dan sukarela. Tapi sikap itu juga bisa diperlihatkan khalayak ramai karena aturan pemerintah, para ulama, atau tekanan lain yang menakutkan. Kita sekarang tidak tahu yang mana yang menentukan. Jika ada polisi atau petugas kota praja—belum lagi kelompok orang galak yang dengan gampang menyerbu dan merusak—yang membuat penghormatan itu berlaku, saya tak pernah yakin sejauh mana penghormatan (atau lebih tepat ”apresiasi”) yang ikhlas yang sedang saya rasakan. Jangan-jangan semuanya adalah penghormatan (atau lebih tepat ”sikap merunduk”) yang dengan gerutu.
Tapi di sebuah negeri yang tak jarang memperdagangkan kepalsuan, akhirnya soal seperti itu tak dipersoalkan. Pokoknya: saya berpuasa, sebab itu saya harus dihormati.
Namun saya tak hendak mengomel. Sebab menghormati orang yang berpuasa dapat berangkat dari sebuah alasan yang bagus. Ramadan sering dikatakan sebagai bulan yang dekat dengan rohani. Tetapi tak kurang dari itu Ramadan sebenarnya menekankan pentingnya tubuh—justru dengan mengaktualisasikan tubuh yang tak penuh. Bulan ini adalah bulan yang berbicara tentang kondisi dasar manusia yang paling kurang. Puasa adalah penegasan diriku sebagai sesuatu yang lapar dan juga retak: sebagai aku yang ingin dan tak mendapat, aku yang menolak untuk rakus tapi juga merasa sakit.
Tapi saya, yang berpuasa ini, juga sering tak menyadari bahwa puasa dapat memberi diri sesuatu yang sama sekali bertentangan: rasa berkelebihan, bahkan supremasi. Aku seakan-akan dalam kesucian, sebagai yang ”berkorban” dan juga sebagai yang ”tak najis”. Orang lain? Mereka dosa, loba, penuh syahwat—pendeknya lebih nista dari diriku.
Itu barangkali asal mula orang lain dituntut untuk menghormati aku. Kalau tidak, orang lain harus aku jauhi. Kalau tidak, orang lain harus aku tobatkan. Aku, si suci, harus meniadakannya sebagaimana dia adanya, dengan menyisihkan atau mengubahnya.
Salah satu problem besar dunia ialah bahwa kita sering menemukan wajah yang bertentangan seperti saya sebut tadi dari orang yang berpuasa—atau dari orang dalam ibadat yang mana pun. Kontradiksi ini disembunyikan atau ditekan karena wacana yang ada diberi sanksi oleh sebuah bayangan tentang Yang Maha Kuasa dan Maha Sempurna yang menuntut keutuhan dan kekuatan, bukan sebuah bayangan tentang Yang Maha Rahman dan Rahim yang mengampuni si daif dan si retak-cacat.
Dalam wajah yang lapar, yang dekat dengan tubuh, dalam kekurangan dan kefanaan, manusia hadir mau tak mau mengalami dirinya bukan sebagai sebuah ide, bukan sebuah konsep yang abstrak. Perut yang meminta nasi dan tenggorokan yang sedikit bau basah tidak ada dalam Manusia dengan ”M”. Seraya bersentuhan dalam sifatnya yang konkret, manusia mengalami dan menyadari apa artinya perubahan, apa perlunya perbedaan dari waktu ke waktu, perbedaan dari satu situasi ke situasi lain.
Tetapi bila puasa bukan menandaskan wajah yang lapar, melainkan kesucian diri yang penuh, manusia merasa seakan-akan berada di atas segala situasi, di luar waktu, tak tersentuh perubahan, dan perubahan bahkan dapat berarti najis.
Di hari-hari ini saya berpuasa—dan apakah gerangan yang tumbuh dalam diri saya? Sesuatu yang menghargai yang fana dan sebab itu berterima kasih atas setiap momen empati? Atau sesuatu yang meminta dihormati, karena aku adalah sebuah prestasi, sebuah posisi di atas sana, di mana yang kekal dan sempurna mengangkatku?
Jika saya harus menjawab, saya akan mengatakan: saya takut dihormati.
~Majalah Tempo Edisi. 30/XXXVI/17 - 23 September 2007~
Jadi, kita harus melihat arti puasa lagi dan bertanya pada diri kita, apakah saya minta dihormati?jawablah sendiri
Peace and Love
Minggu, 07 Oktober 2007
On Reading
When I was in college, every morning I used to go to the library to read newspapers such as Kompas, Tempo and some other English newspapers. I found that Kompas’ Opinion corner so interesting and inspiring. Some writers such as Goenawan Mohamad, Gede Prama, Mochtar Buchory, and Haryatmoko are among those who inspire me through their writings in Kompas. I like them so much [it is my habit when I read Kompas to read the opinon corner first]. Since my return home, I have looked for it in the town where Kompas seller is and I could not find one. Long time ago, I remembered that there was a man who sold Kompas but recently Kompas is a scarce thing to find here.
This morning, when I was going to the church, a newspaper seller rode the bike to the parish or the church where I attended a mass. I saw in the seller’s bike basket there was Kompas Newspapers and I shouted to stop him. I asked him about the newspapers. He said to me that there is Kompas but it is only for subscribers and the priest is one of them. The seller is afraid of buying many Kompas Newspapers because of the sale here is not good. So he buys only for the subscribers. Today, I begged the seller to sell one for me [He said that actually he can’t sell it because it is the only one left for him]. Kompas newspapers are never on time here, it is always a day late. It means if you buy it Sunday, it is the Saturday edition and always like that because of the distance [even in Pontianak, Kompas comes at 12.00 o’clock].
Today, I find the joy of reading Kompas that I have lost for a quite long time. Today I read again my favorite writer Goenawan Mohamad writing on Atheism on page 39 and Gede pram on peace. I feel happy today for such things. From today, I told the seller to buy for me Saturday and Sunday editions and it costs me to save some money from my very low salary as a teacher for 5500 Kompas Newspaper. I am happy doing such things since as a teacher I need to know what happen in the world. I am not saying that I am an ardent reader or a kind of, but I like reading in my spare time. Till now, I keep learning on how to improve my reading skills and love on reading. Happy reading to everyone. God be with you.
Peace and Love
Actually, my sister has called a mechanic to fix the TV many times and he came twice but it did not help either [maybe he is not a real TV technician]. He said that we had to change the digital receiver [in Borneo, Digital receiver is needed. Not like in Jogja, what you need is just a TV and antenna]. I told my sister what a nonsense what the technician said. It has nothing to do with the receiver. Today, a new technician came, he added what he called NLB and tried to reset the TV scanning system and luckily the channels are good. We can watch TV again. Actually, I don’t often watch TV a lot at home. I just watch news sections and some box office movies. I hate Sinetron and its kinds. Besides that, my mother and sister have always become the ruler in the room and I respect them since it is their right to do so. I like watching Metro This Morning, BBM, and Kick Andy. Most of the shows are on Metro. Now, the TV is not sick [like human] anymore and we can see the world again. VIVA
Peace and Love
Jumat, 05 Oktober 2007
After doing the unsuccessful silence, I realized that I have filled my days with all the talks. I have talked so much during my life and have not spent some time to be silent. Now, I understand that silence is not an easy thing to do. As I am writing this in my blog, my mind is still asking me why it is hard to remain silent. I have understood that silence can give me a pause to think about my life and give me time to reflect what I have done and achieved in my life. From now on, in the school, I try not to speak a lot and be silent for a while. I have also found an article about a kind of silence that is practiced by some Trappist monks in America. In the Trappist monk tradition, it is forbidden to talk among new members [novice] for four years in the monastery. They communicate by using hand gestures and signs. What such a hard way of life!!! Can you imagine of living such a life? It must be so hard.
Till now, I still have a dream of attending a mediation practice guided by the GURU such as ANAND KRISNA or BU LANY. I want to feel what the real joy behind such practice is. So, guys, if you know such events please let me know by sending an email to me or contact me. Back to the silence, silence is the key to calmness. Calmness is the key to anger reduction which will lead me to non-violent person. I am one of Gandhi’s admirers. I adore Gandhi for practicing AHIMSA in his life. I respect him because Gandhi can fast unto death to protest the British Salt Tax. He is the great soul. I cannot be like Gandhi and never will I be but I can remain silent when people get angry with me and keep unemotional and not aggressive. Let’s learn to remain silent.
Peace and Love
West Borneo Upcoming Governor Election
As a voter, I myself will elect the native candidate though I don’t know him at all, but at least it gives me a feel of participation in the politics world. For young generations like me in the WEST BORNEO, I invite them not to be the white party but be active to succeed the election. For the winner, I hope he will keep his words and do the best to improve West Borneon’s life and make poverty history. Sometimes I feel sad seeing young kids stop their schooling and work as a gold miner. Poverty has made people in my province forget the importance of education
Peace n Love
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007
Fasting Month: Fast To Disturb
In about 12 meters from my home, there is a mosque [Al-iklas Mosque, if I am mistaken]. At the top of the mosque or below the dome, there are four big speakers there. Every morning around 3 am – 4 am, after the prayer is done, a man shouting in the mosque reminding people to open their fast, he said ‘Bangun, Sahur, and etc. one part of the show that I don’t really like is when the open time is getting close to due or Imsak. He will play a siren which is very loud and sometimes wakes me in the middle of my sleep. It sounds like an ambulance uuuuu….auuuuu. The sound was terrible and it disturbs me a lot. I don’t mind they do such things but please turn the volume down. We are not living in the jungle and tolerance is needed. Be informed that I have so many Moslem friends and I do not hate Moslems at all. I love them too. I just want to tell you my experience that I have faced so far.
I accept the sound that the man produces every morning during the Ramadan and for me tolerance is much more than just an acceptance. It involves understanding. You got the same stories??? Tell me
I also want to say happy fasting to all of you reading my blog
Peace n Love
Being Neutral
With such a condition in my town, there is a problem in my school [not my school I mean]. It seems that there is a “cold war” among the teachers, maybe not among but between to major tribes; the Dayak and Malay. These two teachers’ tribes do not get along well each other and they try hard to take down each other. For the moment, the Dayak wins the battle since the headmaster is a dayaknesse. The Malay, on the hand complains in their hearts. In my opinion, the power control shift is a normal thing, and we need not to argue about it. I think tribe is not really a matter. Whoever the leader, as long as, he is fair enough is good. When I first joined the school, I did not feel such a cold war. I began feeling such a war when they both approached me to get my attention and truthly speaking I did not choose either one. I did not show the signs that I choose one of the two. I choose to be neutral since my look is like a Chinese because my father is a Chinese. I try my best to be neutral and enjoy my job without thinking the cold war. I don’t give a damn to it. I think being involved in such a racial problem is a form of immaturity. We need to be mature by not becoming narrow minded but open minded. We need to think clearly. I still remember a saying ‘do not judge a book by its cover’
Many teachers in the school, in my opinion, are wasting time in arguing such an unimportant thing. It is not the time to fight because of the race and origin. It is the time to increase our knowledge and be aware of everything. As a dayaknesse, I would like to inform all the young Dayak generations like myself to keep studying for the sake of our land and to improve our Dayak. We must strive to make Dayak to be illiterate for some in the remote areas can not read. In November 15th, there will a governor election, we all are expected to participate in the upcoming election and be mature in deciding your choice. My suggestion is follow your conscience and keep struggling.
Peace and love
Selasa, 02 Oktober 2007
Leaving The Comfort Zone
As a man, I do understand we cannot have all the fun all the time. Life stands in between the sad and happy lines. Sometimes we fall on the sad line and on other times on the happy line. I also have to realize that my college time was not real life coz I was financially supported by my family members. Deciding to leave the comfort zone is my tough decision and I must take. There is no option to avoid it. It is time for me to learn the real life lessons of life and try to live a life which is mine. Now, I have daily routines in my life. I wake up 5.30 in the morning and be ready at the school at 6.30. I prepare some lessons for my students and some other extra activities. Now, I cannot ask for money to my brothers or sisters [since they funded my study] anymore since I have graduated and must look for money for myself. I feel the real life now. I feel how it feels to be ‘a slave’ in the office. You have to do that, this etc.
This year I plan to work a teacher for about a year or so. I want to feel the joy moment of being a teacher and learn a lot about socialization in a community. I have some students that need my help in learning English and their spirit has pushed me keep on teaching them. By leaving my comfort zone, I hope that I grow more mature as a man and as a teacher. I hope this experience will teach me to be strong to endure bad things happen to me and be persistent in doing everything.
Peace and Love
I have been becoming an English teacher at a state school in my hometown for about five months. My main duty is to teach English to the second grade of Vocational School at the town. Few months ago, the third grade students were on the field to parctise the skills they have got from school. They were doing a kind of community service [PSG]. At the early of this month [to be exact on September 29th] the students returned from the workplace. The third grade students are back to school to study as usual. Some weeks ago, I do not remember the exact date but it was in August. I was called with some other teachers [five teachers if I am not mistaken] to the headmaster’s room. At first, I did not know what was the call meant and I was still confused with the purpose of that meeting. The headmaster started the meeting with the sentence “we are here to discuss the UN which will be held next April 2008’. The headmaster continued speaking with some other phrases and the point is UN in getting closer and we need to be prepared. He told us that there were 2 options to choose to face the UN that are available for us. The options were “Heaven on Earth Way” or Hell on Earth but Heaven on Heaven Way” [Cara Surga dibumi dan Cara neraka dibumi] what do the two options really mean? Let me further explain to you. The first option is we choose not to cheat on the UN or do the test honestly by not helping our students in the UN. We will not make a success team to help students answer the questions in order to make them graduated in the test. He also told us to be ready with the risks [some parents might bring a ‘MANDAU’ a sword to school and blame you if their kids fail to graduate]. The second option is we help the students that they can all graduate in the UN. The teachers will answer half of the questions in the UN [this is common in this country as in Medan, Komunitas Air Mata Guru disclosed this practice]. The headmaster asked all of us, each of us said no and some were still in doubt. I said no and never will I choose the second option though I am fired from the school. The final decision hs yet to be made. It is still at stake. Hope we choose the first option.
My story gives me a lesson that UN is producing a new kind of stupidity in our education. UN has taught teachers to cheat since they are forced by the system and the authority. Headmasters are afraid of losing his position and by the anger of the students’ parents and some other kind pressures. As a new teacher, I have known such story from newspapers and TV news. I never thought I would be in such a dilemmatic choice. Are teachers wrong of helping students? Headmasters wrong of pressing the teachers? The answer is NOT. The system has made them to do so. So it is clear that UN is nothing but STUPIDITY proposed by smart people in the department of education. UN is a project to get money.
In any programs as I know, if we want to implement a system, we need to take into account some the following considerations: let’s say UN. We need to ask: Are the teachers met the standard system? Are the facilities available? Is every region has the same ability and some other questions? So, the implementation of UN is a waste of money, energy, time and bringing a new kind of stupidity. What an irony! This is Indonesia. Every nonsensical thing can happen.
Peace and Love
Senin, 01 Oktober 2007
Lessons From The Battle
At first, I thought it would be quite easier to do if our duty [since we are a team] is just to teach them use the internet such as making an email account, use the search engine and create a blog and other stuff. But my prediction was totally wrong, from some of these 30 headmasters, most of them can’t even use the basic computer programs such Microsoft word, Power Point. For short, some of them never even touched the computer before. They could not type on the keyboard properly. As a result of this situation, we have to teach them from the very beginning all over. In the very first meeting, I told the participants that English is the key to computer literate. I myself had never taken a course on how to surf the internet. I can surf the internet because I know English a bit. When I was teaching them to use the computer, one of the headmasters [from a remote area] talked to me about the situation in his school. I asked him about how his school teach computer to his students? Or did his school have a computer subject?
The answer was surprising. He said his school does not have any computers [even one], though it is a state junior high school in a county. I felt a bit curious and kept asking him some other questions to know his school situation. He told me that the school has a subject cal TIK [computer subject] for the students. The assigned teacher is a high school graduate from the city who knows and understands computer coz he got computer lessons in a catholic school in the city. He told me that the teacher used drawings to visualize the computer parts and components when teaching his students. What a pity!!!! at that time I was shocked because of the answer.
The headmaster also said that for the very first year in his duty at that school, he hired ten high school graduates to teach junior high school students at the school since there was no teachers at all[ only he and a teacher]. The story of education continued to broad issues such as curriculum and others. As a very young teacher [I am not even 23 years old yet] I did not know what to say to such a story. The next thing he told me also kept my eyes opens wide. He told me that some of his students at the school when they were tested at the admission test could not even read ABC, or the alphabet. Oh…God. Elementary school graduates cannot read. So the school decided to teach them reading, writing and counting [calistung, in his term]. He teaches them starting the very basic again. After hearing some of his stories on education from the man on the field, I understand better now about our education. And in the deepest of my heart, I thanked God for giving me a chance to go to college. On our final discussion, the head master made a quite interesting remark on commenting the newly issued curriculum KTSP. He said KTSP as the curriculum of “Kate Siape” means “who says” in Malay language and Kurikulum Tidak Siap Pake. What a nice remark!!!!
My Lit Sister and My Niece
My Niece and Nephew
Lucu-Lucu dan Ganteng